Caribbean Beach Resort : Experience five brightly colored island villages with the ambiance of the tropics. Each village has its own quiet pool plus a white-sand beach on the shores of a shimmering lake.

Expedition Everest, Animal Kingdom, Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida #Disney #DisneyWorld

"The 488 acres of the Madame Sherri Forest was generously donated for conservation to the Society for the Preservation of New Hampshire Forests by Anne Stokes. The forest is named for the eccentric Madame Antoinette Sherri. Madame Sherri, who had worked as a costume designer for the Zigfield Follies in the 1920s, had built her country "Castle" in the woods of Chesterfield. She became famous (or infamous) for the parties she threw for visitors from the city and was said to have driven about the town during the summer wearing a fur coat and nothing else. Madame Sherri died in 1965 at the age of 84 but for many years prior the castle had fallen to neglect and vandalism. On October 18, 1962 it was destroyed by fire. The foundation, chimneys and a grand stone staircase from the once magnificent house can be seen adjacent to the Madame Sherri Forest on a side trail close to the entrance off the Gulf Road."

Disney Resorts -- Pop Century

Snow in Sonian Forest, Brussels, Belgium

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