Thursday, October 3, 2013

Just who, may I ask, is going to lug this thing around? Won't the Mosquitos, no-see'ums, gnats and what not have a field day with your unprotected flesh? Also? Google-earth will catch you naked while you are in there. Finally, how does one emerge from the bath without getting one's sleeping area wet? The 3am thunderstorm is hours away.

Central Park, Manhattan, NY
Central Park, Manhattan, NY
Poolside :)
Poolside :)
Texan Ranch Chicken Casserole - One of my current dinner favorites!
Texan Ranch Chicken Casserole - One of my current dinner favorites!
Just who, may I ask, is going to lug this thing around? Won't the Mosquitos, no-see'ums, gnats and what not have a field day with your unprotected flesh? Also? Google-earth will catch you naked while you are in there. Finally, how does one emerge from the bath without getting one's sleeping area wet? The 3am thunderstorm is hours away.
Just who, may I ask, is going to lug this thing around? Won't the Mosquitos, no-see'ums, gnats and what not have a field day with your unprotected flesh? Also? Google-earth  will catch you naked while you are in there. Finally, how does one emerge from the bath without getting one's sleeping area wet? The 3am thunderstorm is hours away.

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